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Unsupervised Distance-Based Weighted Rank Aggregation with List Pruning


**Fuse, Learn, AGgregate, Rerank

FLAGR is a high performing, modular library for rank aggregation. The core FLAGR library was developed in C++ and contains fast implementations for a wide collection of unsupervised rank aggregation methods. Its modular design allows third-party programmers to implement their own algorithms and easily rebuild the entire library. FLAGR can be built as a standard application, or as a shared library (so or dll). In the second case, it can be linked from other C/C++ programs, or even from programs written in other languages (e.g. Python, PHP, etc.).

In this context, PyFLAGR is a Python library that links to FLAGR and allows a developer to exploit the efficient FLAGR implementations from a standard Python program.

Installing PyFLAGR

PyFLAGR can be installed directly by using pip:

pip install pyflagr

Alternatively, PyFLAGR can be installed from the sources by navigating to the directory where resides:

pip install /path/to/

Compiling FLAGR as a shared library

The FLAGR shared library has been already pre-built and tested with the GCC compiler. The FLAGR Github repository includes the appropriate .so and .dll dynamic libraries in the pyflagr directory, so PyFLAGR can be immediately installed without compilation.

Nevertheless, in case a custom rank aggregation method has been implemented with FLAGR, or any modification in the C++ code has been made, FLAGR must be rebuilt and PyFLAGR must be reinstalled. For Linux-based systems with the GCC compiler, FLAGR can be built as a shared library by invoking the following system command:

g++ -O3 -Wall -Werror -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC /path/to/cflagr/cflagr.cpp -o /path/to/so/

This command will generate the necessary .so library.

For Windows-based systems with the GCC compiler, FLAGR can be built as a Dynamic Link Library by invoking the following system commands:

This command will generate the necessary .dll library. An automated procedure for compiling FLAGR as a DLL can be executed from the makedll.bat batch file included in this repository.

Importing and using PyFLAGR

PyFLAGR groups its supported rank aggregation methods in four modules:

  1. Comb: In this module the CombSUM and CombMNZ methods are implemented. Each method comes in four variants according to the rank/score normalization method: Borda, rank, score and z-score [1]. Future releases of FLAGR will also include CombAVG, CombMAX and CombMIN.
  2. Majoritarian: Includes CondorcetWinners, CopelandWinners and OutrankingApproach [2].
  3. MarkovChains: The fourth and most popular method (termed MC4) based on Markov Chains is implemented [6]. Future releases of FLAGR will include the other three implementations.
  4. Weighted: This module implements several self-weighting rank aggregation methods. These methods automatically identify the expert voters and include:
  5. The Preference Relations Graph method of [3].
  6. The Agglomerative method of [4].
  7. The Iterative, Distance-Based method of [5].

The following statements demonstrate the imports of all PyFLAGR rank aggregation methods in a typical jupyter notebook.

	import pyflagr.Comb as SCORE_BASED
	import pyflagr.Majoritarian as ORDER_BASED
	import pyflagr.MarkovChains as MARKOV_CHAINS
	import pyflagr.Weighted as WGT

All PyFLAGR rank aggregation methods include:

Parameter Type Default Value Values
input_file String - Required, unless input_df is set. Empty String A CSV file that contains the input lists to be aggregated.
input_df Pandas DataFrame - Required, unless input_file is set. None A Pandas DataFrame that contains the input lists to be aggregated. Note: If both input_file and input_df are set, only the former is used; the latter is ignored.
rels_file String, Optional. Empty String A CSV file that contains the relevance judgements of the involved list elements. If such a file is passed, FLAGR will evaluate the generated aggregate list/s by computing several retrieval effectiveness evaluation measures. The results of the evaluation will be stored in the eval_df DataFrame. Otherwise, no evaluation will take place and eval_df will be empty. Read more on the evaluation of rank aggregation quality.
rels_df Pandas DataFrame, Optional. None A Pandas DataFrame that contains the relevance judgements of the involved list elements. If such a dataframe is passed, FLAGR will evaluate the generated aggregate list/s by computing several retrieval effectiveness evaluation measures. The results of the evaluation will be stored in the eval_df DataFrame. Otherwise, no evaluation will take place and eval_df will be empty. Read more on the evaluation of rank aggregation quality. Note: If both rels_file and rels_df are set, only the former is used; the latter is ignored.
output_dir String, Optional. Temporary directory (OS-specific) The directory where the output files (aggregate lists and evaluation) will be stored. If it is not set, the default location will be used.

Input data

The core library, FLAGR, accepts data (namely, the input lists to be aggregated) in a single, specially formatted CSV file. The columns in the CSV file are organized according to the following manner:



FLAGR is designed to accept data directly from RASDaGen, a synthetic dataset generator for rank aggregation problems.

On the other hand, PyFLAGR has two mechanisms for passing data to FLAGR, namely:

Optionally, the user may specify a second CSV file (called as rels_file), or a Dataframe (called as rels_df) that contain judgments about the relevance of the included elements w.r.t a query. The columns in rels_file are organized as follows:



Output data format

In all cases the core library, FLAGR, writes the generated aggregate list in a plain CSV file. PyFLAGR reads the contents of this CSV file into a Pandas Dataframe which is returned to the user.

Optionally, FLAGR may also create a second output file to write the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of an algorithm. This happens when a rels_file is provided to the algorithm. The aggregate method of all algorithms always returns two Pandas Dataframes according to the provided input.


[1] Renda E., Straccia U., “Web metasearch: rank vs. score based rank aggregation methods”, In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, pp. 841-846, 2003.

[2] Farah, M., Vanderpooten, D., “An outranking approach for rank aggregation in information retrieval”, In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 591-598, 2007.

[3] Desarkar, M. S., Sarkar, S., Mitra, P., “Preference relations based unsupervised rank aggregation for metasearch”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 49, pp. 86-98, 2016.

[4] Chatterjee, S., Mukhopadhyay, A., Bhattacharyya, M., “A weighted rank aggregation approach towards crowd opinion analysis”, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 149, pp. 47-60, 2018.

[5] Akritidis L., Fevgas A., Bozanis P., Manolopoulos Y., “An Unsupervised Distance-Based Model for Weighted Rank Aggregation with List Pruning”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 202, pp. 117435, 2022.

[6] Dwork C., Kumar R., Naor M., Sivakumar D., “Rank Aggregation Methods for the Web”, In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 613-622, 2001.